About us
Fundashon Alton Paas
Fundashon Alton Paas is an advocacy group working together for a better quality of life for the person with spinal cord injury. The foundation is the only entity on the island that puts attention specifically on the wellbeing and quality of life of persons with spinal cord injury. As foundation we believe in the ability, rights and duty of each person with spinal cord injury. Each person who has a spinal cord injury must have the opportunity to dedicate on their physical health and more to maintain and optimize his abilities and functions to provide for himself and his community.
Fundashon Alton Paas is dedicated to create those opportunities for the person with spinal cord injury so
he can achieve the maximum! The foundation still depends on fundraising and donation to implement their projects. Projects that help the quality of life of persons with spinal cord injury who normally hide themselves because of the taboo of disabled people, lack of support for accessibility, laws, knowledge, policy and respect. That’s why every support / finances will help make a step in the right direction to bring the change needed and help us achieved our goal for a better quality of life for the persons with spinal cord injury. For more information see our website:www.fundashonaltonpaas.org and www.facebook.com/fundashonaltonpaas
Revalidatiecentrum CuracaoRevalidatiecentrum Curaçao is a rehabilitation center that provides through care, high standards of therapy to its
clients from a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Our treatment approach is based on evidence based principals. The main goal of our center is to improve our client's functional abilities with either their physical and or cognitive impairments. We also strive for our clients reintegration back into the society trying to stay as close to their wishes and possibilities. Our mission is “ together we work towards your recovery”
For more information see: www.revalidatie-curacao.org and www.facebook.com/revalidatiecuracao